Where does Medtronic see opportunities and challenges?
April 26, 2021
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Less than a year into his role as CEO, Geoff Martha and the Medtronic leadership has overseen a significant overhaul of medtech’s largest player.
Martha says the company is clearing minor COVID-19 bump and sees an open road for the company to continue to grab share from competitors.
Martha details what products are gaining the most traction while also identifying those that still have some ground to gain.
We also discuss:
- When it may bring its renal denervation project to the FDA
- Why the surgical robotic Hugo system will be worth the wait (and why development has taken more than a decade)
- Whether or not Medtronic will collaborate more with private equity firms, early-stage incubators and maybe even SPACs?
- What will the company’s acquisition strategy look like in 2021. And why.
Why the price-cutting for drug-eluting stents may represent an opportunity for Medtronic’s more innovative products.